RotoID | Tables | Title | DLL | Compositions |
AR0001 | ARR01 | Company Options | ARR01 | |
AR0002 | ARR02 | Invoicing Options | ARR02 | |
AR0003 | ARR03 | Receipt and Adjustment Options | ARR03 | |
AR0004 | ARR04 | Statement Processing Options | ARR04 | |
AR0005 | ARR05 | Customer and Ship-To Options | ARR05 | |
AR0006 | ARR06 | G/L Integration Options | ARR06 | |
AR0008 | ARDUN | Dunning Messages | ARDUN | |
AR0009 | ARITD | Item Pricing | ARITD | AR0010 |
AR0010 | ARITH | Items | ARITH | AR0009, AR0011 |
AR0011 | ARITT | Item Tax Classes | ARITT | AR0010 |
AR0012 | ARPTP | Payment Codes | ARPTP | |
AR0013 | ARRAS | Account Sets | ARRAS | |
AR0014 | ARRBC | Billing Cycles | ARRBC | |
AR0015 | ARRDC | Distribution Codes | ARRDC | |
AR0016 | ARRTA | Terms Codes | ARRTA | AR0017 |
AR0017 | ARRTB | Terms Payment Schedules | ARRTB | AR0016 |
AR0018 | ARSAP | Salespersons | ARSAP | |
AR0019 | ARSVC | Interest Rates by Currency | ARSVC | AR0020 |
AR0020 | ARSVD | Interest Profiles | ARSVD | AR0019 |
AR0021 | ARCMM | Customer Comments | ARCMM | |
AR0022 | ARCSM | Customer Statistics | ARCSM | |
AR0023 | ARCSP | Ship-To Locations | ARCSP | AR0412 |
AR0024 | ARCUS | Customers | ARCUS | AR0400 |
AR0025 | ARGRO | Customer Groups | ARGRO | AR0410 |
AR0026 | ARGSM | Customer Group Statistics | ARGSM | |
AR0027 | ARITS | Item Statistics | ARITS | |
AR0028 | ARNAT | National Accounts | ARNAT | AR0411 |
AR0029 | ARNSM | National Account Statistics | ARNSM | |
AR0030 | ARSPS | Salesperson Statistics | ARSPS | |
AR0031 | ARIBC | Invoice Batches | ARIBC | AR0032 |
AR0032 | ARIBH | Invoices | ARIBH | AR0031, AR0033, AR0034, AR0402, AR0160 |
AR0033 | ARIBD | Invoice Details | ARIBD | AR0032, AR0031, AR0401 |
AR0034 | ARIBS | Invoice Payment Schedules | ARIBS | AR0032 |
AR0035 | ARIBT | Invoice Detail Comments | ARIBT | |
AR0036 | AROBL | Documents | AROBL | |
AR0037 | AROBS | Document Sched. Payments | AROBS | |
AR0038 | AROBP | Document Payments | AROBP | |
AR0040 | ARRRH | Posted Receipts | ARRRH | |
AR0041 | ARBTA | Receipt and Adjustment Batches | ARBTA | AR0042 |
AR0042 | ARTCR | Receipts/Adjustments | ARTCR | AR0041, AR0043, AR0044, AR0406, AR0170 |
AR0043 | ARTCN | Miscellaneous Receipts | ARTCN | AR0042 |
AR0044 | ARTCP | Applied Receipts/Adjustments | ARTCP | AR0042, AR0045, AR0061 |
AR0045 | ARTCU | Adjustment G/L Distributions | ARTCU | AR0044 |
AR0046 | ARSIA | Recurring Charges | ARSIA | AR0047, AR0405 |
AR0047 | ARSID | Recurring Charge Details | ARSID | AR0046, AR0404 |
AR0048 | Post Invoices | ARIVPT | ||
AR0049 | Post Receipts and Adjustments | ARPYPT | ||
AR0050 | Create Interest Batch | ARINTR | ||
AR0051 | Create Write-Off Batch | ARWROF | AR0041, AR0042, AR0043, AR0044, AR0045, AR0406 | |
AR0052 | Revaluation | ARUNGL | ||
AR0053 | Create G/L Batch | ARGLTR | ||
AR0054 | ARRRD | Receipt G/L Distributions | ARRRD | |
AR0055 | Age Documents | ARAGE | ||
AR0056 | Process Year End | ARYREN | ||
AR0057 | ARINTCK | Integrity Checker | ARINTCK | |
AR0059 | Create Recurring Charge | ARRCUR | ||
AR0060 | Update Statistics | ARSTAT | ||
AR0061 | ARPOOP | Create Open Document List | ARPOOP | AR0041, AR0042, AR0043, AR0044, AR0045 |
AR0062 | ARPTER | Posting Error Messages | ARPTER | |
AR0063 | Clear Fully Paid Documents | ARPREN | ||
AR0064 | Clear Customer Comments | ARPGCM | ||
AR0065 | Clear Statistics | ARPGST | ||
AR0066 | Delete Inactive Record | ARPGIA | ||
AR0067 | Clear Deleted and Posted Batches | ARBCTU | ||
AR0072 | Reconcile Receipts/Payments | ARPYRV | ||
AR0076 | Update Print Status | ARBPPU | ||
AR0077 | Create Statements | ARSTMT | ||
AR0078 | ARRSTRT | Restart | ARRSTRT | |
AR0079 | ARRVL | Revaluation Details | ARRVL | AR0415 |
AR0080 | AR Drill Down | ARDLDN | ||
AR0081 | ARURC | Update Recurring Chrgs Instrns | ARURC | |
AR0082 | Process Update Recurring Chrgs | ARURCP | ||
AR0083 | AR Drill Down Driver | ARDDDR | ||
AR0084 | Scheduler Interface | ARSCHED | ||
AR0087 | Set Prepayment Matching Invoice | ARSPMI | ||
AR0088 | AROBLJP | Document Detail Payments | AROBLJP | |
AR0089 | ARRVLLOG | Revaluation History | ARRVLLOG | |
AR0090 | Company Balance | ARBAL | ||
AR0100 | Accounts Receivable Activation | ARINIT | ||
AR0110 | ARSTRUN | Reprint Statement Header | ARSTRUN | |
AR0111 | ARSTCUS | Reprint Statement Customers | ARSTCUS | |
AR0112 | ARSTOBL | Reprint Statement Customer Invoices | ARSTOBL | |
AR0113 | ARSTOBP | Reprint Statement Customer Receipts | ARSTOBP | |
AR0114 | ARSTNAT | Reprint Statement NAT Customers | ARSTNAT | |
AR0120 | ARMSG | E-mail Messages | ARMSG | |
AR0125 | ARAGED | Aged Documents | ARAGED | |
AR0130 | Documents | ARDOCS | ||
AR0139 | ARPYM | Payments | ARPYM | |
AR0140 | ARRFB | Refund Batches | ARRFB | AR0141 |
AR0141 | ARRFH | Refund Entries | ARRFH | AR0140, AR0142, AR0143 |
AR0142 | ARRFD | Refund Details | ARRFD | AR0141, AR0145 |
AR0143 | ARRFHO | Refund Optional Fields | ARRFHO | AR0141 |
AR0145 | ARRFDJ | Refund Detail Jobs | ARRFDJ | AR0142 |
AR0146 | ARGLREF | G/L Reference Integration | ARGLREF | |
AR0150 | Post Refunds | ARRFPT | ||
AR0160 | Customer Balances | ARCBAL | ||
AR0170 | ARTCC | Advance Credits | ARTCC | AR0042 |
AR0180 | Generate Labels | ARLABEL | ||
AR0190 | ARSLLBL | Generated Labels | ARSLLBL | |
AR0200 | AROBLJ | Open Document Details | AROBLJ | |
AR0202 | Job Resource Validation | ARPMRES | ||
AR0204 | ARJTR | Job Costing Transactions | ARJTR | |
AR0300 | Create Retainage Document Batch | ARIRTNG | ||
AR0310 | Age Retainage Documents | ARAGERTG | ||
AR0311 | ARRTG | Retainage Open Documents | ARRTG | |
AR0400 | ARCUSO | Customer Optional Field Values | ARCUSO | AR0024 |
AR0401 | ARIBDO | Invoice Detail Optional Fields | ARIBDO | AR0033 |
AR0402 | ARIBHO | Invoice Optional Fields | ARIBHO | AR0032 |
AR0403 | AROBLO | Open Document Optional Fields | AROBLO | |
AR0404 | ARSIDO | Rec. Charge Detail Opt. Fields | ARSIDO | AR0047 |
AR0405 | ARSIAO | Recurring Charge Optional Fields | ARSIAO | AR0046 |
AR0406 | ARTCRO | Receipt/Adjustment Optional Fields | ARTCRO | AR0042 |
AR0407 | ARPJD | Posting Journal Details | ARPJD | |
AR0408 | ARPJH | Posting Journal Entries | ARPJH | |
AR0409 | ARPJS | Posting Journals | ARPJS | |
AR0410 | ARGROO | Customer Group Optional Field Values | ARGROO | AR0025 |
AR0411 | ARNATO | National Account Optional Field Values | ARNATO | AR0028 |
AR0412 | ARCSPO | Ship-To Locations Optional Field Values | ARCSPO | AR0023 |
AR0413 | ARPJDO | Posting Journal Detail Optional Fields | ARPJDO | |
AR0414 | ARPJHO | Posting Journal Entry Optional Fields | ARPJHO | |
AR0415 | ARRVLO | Revaluation Optional Fields | ARRVLO | AR0079 |
AR0420 | ARSLCUS | Selected customers | ARSLCUS | |
AR0421 | Select customers | ARSELECT | ||
AR0450 | Calculate Document Pending Balance | ARPEND | ||
AR0460 | ARADV | Payment Advices | ARADV | |
AR0461 | Print Checks | ARCHKS | ||
AR0500 | AROFD | Optional Fields | AROFD | AR0501 |
AR0501 | AROFH | Optional Field Locations | AROFH | AR0500 |
AR0502 | AR Optional Field Callbacks | AROFCMD | ||
AR0503 | AROFPD | Function Parameters Detail | AROFPD | AR0504 |
AR0504 | AROFPH | Function Parameters Header | AROFPH | AR0503 |
AR0506 | ARSTCUSO | Customer Statement Optional Fields | ARSTCUSO | |
AR0507 | ARSTOBLO | Statement Customer Invoice Optional Fields | ARSTOBLO | |
AR0515 | AROBLJO | Open Doc. Detail Optional Fields | AROBLJO | |
Table | RotoID | Title |
ARADV | AR0460 | Payment Advices |
ARAGED | AR0125 | Aged Documents |
ARBTA | AR0041 | Receipt and Adjustment Batches |
ARCMM | AR0021 | Customer Comments |
ARCSM | AR0022 | Customer Statistics |
ARCSP | AR0023 | Ship-To Locations |
ARCSPO | AR0412 | Ship-To Locations Optional Field Values |
ARCUS | AR0024 | Customers |
ARCUSO | AR0400 | Customer Optional Field Values |
ARDUN | AR0008 | Dunning Messages |
ARGLREF | AR0146 | G/L Reference Integration |
ARGRO | AR0025 | Customer Groups |
ARGROO | AR0410 | Customer Group Optional Field Values |
ARGSM | AR0026 | Customer Group Statistics |
ARIBC | AR0031 | Invoice Batches |
ARIBD | AR0033 | Invoice Details |
ARIBDO | AR0401 | Invoice Detail Optional Fields |
ARIBH | AR0032 | Invoices |
ARIBHO | AR0402 | Invoice Optional Fields |
ARIBS | AR0034 | Invoice Payment Schedules |
ARIBT | AR0035 | Invoice Detail Comments |
ARINTCK | AR0057 | Integrity Checker |
ARITD | AR0009 | Item Pricing |
ARITH | AR0010 | Items |
ARITS | AR0027 | Item Statistics |
ARITT | AR0011 | Item Tax Classes |
ARJTR | AR0204 | Job Costing Transactions |
ARMSG | AR0120 | E-mail Messages |
ARNAT | AR0028 | National Accounts |
ARNATO | AR0411 | National Account Optional Field Values |
ARNSM | AR0029 | National Account Statistics |
AROBL | AR0036 | Documents |
AROBLJ | AR0200 | Open Document Details |
AROBLJO | AR0515 | Open Doc. Detail Optional Fields |
AROBLJP | AR0088 | Document Detail Payments |
AROBLO | AR0403 | Open Document Optional Fields |
AROBP | AR0038 | Document Payments |
AROBS | AR0037 | Document Sched. Payments |
AROFD | AR0500 | Optional Fields |
AROFH | AR0501 | Optional Field Locations |
AROFPD | AR0503 | Function Parameters Detail |
AROFPH | AR0504 | Function Parameters Header |
ARPJD | AR0407 | Posting Journal Details |
ARPJDO | AR0413 | Posting Journal Detail Optional Fields |
ARPJH | AR0408 | Posting Journal Entries |
ARPJHO | AR0414 | Posting Journal Entry Optional Fields |
ARPJS | AR0409 | Posting Journals |
ARPOOP | AR0061 | Create Open Document List |
ARPTER | AR0062 | Posting Error Messages |
ARPTP | AR0012 | Payment Codes |
ARPYM | AR0139 | Payments |
ARR01 | AR0001 | Company Options |
ARR02 | AR0002 | Invoicing Options |
ARR03 | AR0003 | Receipt and Adjustment Options |
ARR04 | AR0004 | Statement Processing Options |
ARR05 | AR0005 | Customer and Ship-To Options |
ARR06 | AR0006 | G/L Integration Options |
ARRAS | AR0013 | Account Sets |
ARRBC | AR0014 | Billing Cycles |
ARRDC | AR0015 | Distribution Codes |
ARRFB | AR0140 | Refund Batches |
ARRFD | AR0142 | Refund Details |
ARRFDJ | AR0145 | Refund Detail Jobs |
ARRFH | AR0141 | Refund Entries |
ARRFHO | AR0143 | Refund Optional Fields |
ARRRD | AR0054 | Receipt G/L Distributions |
ARRRH | AR0040 | Posted Receipts |
ARRSTRT | AR0078 | Restart |
ARRTA | AR0016 | Terms Codes |
ARRTB | AR0017 | Terms Payment Schedules |
ARRTG | AR0311 | Retainage Open Documents |
ARRVL | AR0079 | Revaluation Details |
ARRVLLOG | AR0089 | Revaluation History |
ARRVLO | AR0415 | Revaluation Optional Fields |
ARSAP | AR0018 | Salespersons |
ARSIA | AR0046 | Recurring Charges |
ARSIAO | AR0405 | Recurring Charge Optional Fields |
ARSID | AR0047 | Recurring Charge Details |
ARSIDO | AR0404 | Rec. Charge Detail Opt. Fields |
ARSLCUS | AR0420 | Selected customers |
ARSLLBL | AR0190 | Generated Labels |
ARSPS | AR0030 | Salesperson Statistics |
ARSTCUS | AR0111 | Reprint Statement Customers |
ARSTCUSO | AR0506 | Customer Statement Optional Fields |
ARSTNAT | AR0114 | Reprint Statement NAT Customers |
ARSTOBL | AR0112 | Reprint Statement Customer Invoices |
ARSTOBLO | AR0507 | Statement Customer Invoice Optional Fields |
ARSTOBP | AR0113 | Reprint Statement Customer Receipts |
ARSTRUN | AR0110 | Reprint Statement Header |
ARSVC | AR0019 | Interest Rates by Currency |
ARSVD | AR0020 | Interest Profiles |
ARTCC | AR0170 | Advance Credits |
ARTCN | AR0043 | Miscellaneous Receipts |
ARTCP | AR0044 | Applied Receipts/Adjustments |
ARTCR | AR0042 | Receipts/Adjustments |
ARTCRO | AR0406 | Receipt/Adjustment Optional Fields |
ARTCU | AR0045 | Adjustment G/L Distributions |
ARURC | AR0081 | Update Recurring Chrgs Instrns |
This page was generated on 2008-May-01
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