Title | Flags | Fields |
Salesperson, Year, Period | CODESLSP, CNTYR, CNTPERD | |
Field | Type | Title | Presentation |
CODESLSP | String*8 | Salesperson | Mask: %-8N |
CNTYR | String*4 | Year | Mask: %04D |
CNTPERD | String*2 | Period | Mask: %02D |
AUDTDATE | Date | ||
AUDTTIME | Time | ||
AUDTUSER | String*8 | ||
AUDTORG | String*6 | ||
CNTINVC | BCD*4.0 | Number of Invoices | |
CNTCR | BCD*4.0 | Number of Credit Notes | |
CNTDR | BCD*4.0 | Number of Debit Notes | |
CNTPAYM | BCD*4.0 | Number of Receipts | |
CNTDISC | BCD*4.0 | Number of Discounts | |
CNTWROF | BCD*4.0 | Number of Write-Offs | |
AMTINVC | BCD*10.3 | Total Invoice Amount | |
AMTCR | BCD*10.3 | Total Credit Note Amount | |
AMTDR | BCD*10.3 | Total Debit Note Amount | |
AMTPAYM | BCD*10.3 | Total Receipt Amount | |
AMTDISC | BCD*10.3 | Total Discount Amount | |
AMTWROF | BCD*10.3 | Total Write-Off Amount | |
This page was generated on 2008-May-01
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