Title | Flags | Fields |
Field | Type | Title | Presentation |
SORTPARAM | String*94 | Sort Parameter | |
SEQUENCE | Integer | Sequence | |
AUDTDATE | Date | ||
AUDTTIME | Time | ||
AUDTUSER | String*8 | ||
AUDTORG | String*6 | ||
EMPLRACCNO | String*15 | Employer Account Number | |
EMPLRNAME | String*60 | Employer Name | |
EMPLRADDR1 | String*60 | Employer Address 1 | |
EMPLRADDR2 | String*60 | Employer Address 2 | |
EMPLRADDR3 | String*60 | Employer Address 3 | |
EMPLRADDR4 | String*60 | Employer Address 4 | |
EMPLRCITY | String*30 | Employer City | |
EMPLRSTATE | String*30 | Employer Province | |
EMPLRZIP | String*20 | Employer Postal Code | |
EMPLOYEE | String*12 | Employee ID | |
SSN | String*11 | Employee SIN | Mask: %-3d-%-3d-%-3d |
LASTNAME | String*20 | Employee Last Name | |
FIRSTNAME | String*15 | Employee First Name | |
MIDDLENAME | String*15 | Employee Middle Name | |
ADDRESS1 | String*60 | Employee Address 1 | |
ADDRESS2 | String*60 | Employee Address 2 | |
ADDRESS3 | String*60 | Employee Address 3 | |
ADDRESS4 | String*60 | Employee Address 4 | |
CITY | String*30 | Employee City | |
STATE | String*30 | Employee Province | |
ZIP | String*20 | Employee Postal Code | |
WAGESTIPS | BCD*10.3 | Employee Income | |
CPENSIONC | BCD*10.3 | Pension Contributions - Canada p | |
QPENSIONC | BCD*10.3 | Pension Contributions - Quebec p | |
UIPREMIUM | BCD*10.3 | EI Premium | |
RPENSIONC | BCD*10.3 | Registered Pension Plan Deductio | |
INCOMETAX | BCD*10.3 | Income Tax Deducted | |
UIEARNING | BCD*10.3 | EI Insurable Earnings | |
CPPEARNING | BCD*10.3 | CPP Pensionable Earnings | |
HOUSINGBEN | BCD*10.3 | Housing, Board, Lodging | |
TRAVELBEN | BCD*10.3 | Travel in Designated Areas | |
COAUTOBEN | BCD*10.3 | Personal Use of Employer's Auto | |
LOANBEN | BCD*10.3 | Interest Free/Low Interest Loans | |
STOCKBEN | BCD*10.3 | Stock Option Benefits | |
OTHERBEN | BCD*10.3 | Other Taxable Allowances/Benefit | |
COMMISSION | BCD*10.3 | Employment Commissions | |
UNIONDUES | BCD*10.3 | Unions Dues Deduction | |
CHARITYDED | BCD*10.3 | Charitable Contribution Deductio | |
PENSIONADJ | BCD*10.3 | Pension Plan Adjustment | |
STOCKBEND | BCD*10.3 | Stock Option and Shares Ded(110( | |
STOCKBEND1 | BCD*10.3 | Stock Option and Shares Ded(110( | |
INDIANPAY | BCD*10.3 | Status Indian | |
EXEMPTCPP | Boolean | Exempt CPP/QPP | |
EXEMPTUI | Boolean | Exempt EI | |
RPPID | String*9 | Pension Plan Registration Number | |
EMPPROV | String*2 | Province of Employment | |
NOTES | String*250 | Notes | |
COUNTRY | String*30 | Country | |
WCBREPAID | BCD*10.3 | WCB Repaid | |
RCPENSION | BCD*10.3 | Employer's CPP Contributions | |
RUIPREMIUM | BCD*10.3 | Employer's UI premiums | |
PPIPTAX | BCD*10.3 | Provincial Parental Insurance Pl | |
PPIPEARN | BCD*10.3 | PPIP Insurable Earnings | |
EXEMPTPPIP | Boolean | Exempt PPIP | |
This page was generated on 2006-Sep-07
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