Title | Flags | Fields |
Sequence Number | TRANFENSEQ, LINENO | |
Field | Type | Title | Presentation |
TRANFENSEQ | Long | Sequence Number | |
LINENO | Integer | Line Number | |
AUDTDATE | Date | ||
AUDTTIME | Time | ||
AUDTUSER | String*8 | ||
AUDTORG | String*6 | ||
ITEMNO | String*24 | Item Number | Mask: %-24C |
ITEMDESC | String*60 | Description | |
FROMLOC | String*6 | From Location | Mask: %-6N |
FRLOCDESC | String*60 | Description | |
TOLOC | String*6 | To Location | Mask: %-6N |
TOLOCDESC | String*60 | Description | |
QUANTITY | BCD*10.4 | Quantity Transferred | |
UNIT | String*10 | Unit of Measure | Mask: %-10w |
CONVERSION | BCD*10.6 | Conversion Factor | |
COMMENTS | String*250 | Comments | |
UNITCOST | BCD*10.6 | Unit Cost | |
EXTCOST | BCD*10.3 | Extended Cost | |
MPRORATE | BCD*10.3 | Manual Proration | |
UNITWEIGHT | BCD*10.4 | Unit Weight | |
EXTWEIGHT | BCD*10.4 | Extended Weight | |
MANITEMNO | String*24 | Manufacturer's Item Number | Mask: %-24C |
GITLOC | String*6 | Goods in Transit Location | Mask: %-6N |
GITLOCDESC | String*60 | Goods in Transit Location Desc | |
DETAILNUM | Integer | Detail Line Number | |
QTYREQ | BCD*10.4 | Quantity Requested | |
UNITREQ | String*10 | Unit of Measure Qty Requested | Mask: %-10w |
FACTORREQ | BCD*10.6 | Conversion Factor Qty Requested | |
COMPLETE | Integer | Line Completed | |
FROMTRNLNO | Integer | From Transfer Detail Line No. | |
VALUES | Long | Optional Fields | |
WEIGHTUNIT | String*10 | Weight Unit of Measure | |
WEIGHTCONV | BCD*10.6 | Weight Conversion Factor | |
AMTCONTROL | BCD*10.3 | GL Control Amount | |
AUPRORATE | BCD*10.3 | Prorated Additional Cost | |
This page was generated on 2008-May-01
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