Title | Flags | Fields |
Detail Key | PRORSEQ, COSTSEQ | |
Account Sets | COSTSEQ | |
Account Sets | D M | CRNSSEQ |
Account Sets | D M | INVSSEQ |
Account Sets | D M | RCPSSEQ |
Account Sets | D M | RETSSEQ |
Field | Type | Title | Presentation |
PRORSEQ | BCD*10.0 | Prorate Sequence | |
COSTSEQ | BCD*10.0 | Cost Sequence | |
AUDTDATE | Date | ||
AUDTTIME | Time | ||
AUDTUSER | String*8 | ||
AUDTORG | String*6 | ||
TRANSTYPE | Integer | Transaction Type | |
RCPSSEQ | BCD*10.0 | Receipt Cost Sequence | |
INVSSEQ | BCD*10.0 | Invoice Cost Sequence | |
RETSSEQ | BCD*10.0 | Return Cost Sequence | |
CRNSSEQ | BCD*10.0 | Credit/Debit Note Cost Sequence | |
PONUMBER | String*22 | Purchase Order Number | |
RCPNUMBER | String*22 | Receipt Number | |
RETNUMBER | String*22 | Return Number | |
INVNUMBER | String*22 | Invoice Number | |
CRNNUMBER | String*22 | Credit/Debit Note Number | |
ADDCOST | String*6 | Additional Cost | |
DESCRIPTIO | String*60 | Description | |
PRORMETHOD | Integer | Proration Method | |
REPRORATE | Integer | Reproration Method | |
MTOPRORATE | BCD*10.3 | Manual To Prorate | |
VENDOR | String*12 | Vendor | |
VENDORNAME | String*60 | Name | |
FORPRIMARY | Integer | Primary Vendor | |
TAXGROUP | String*12 | Tax Group | |
TAXAUTH1 | String*12 | Tax Authority 1 | |
TAXAUTH2 | String*12 | Tax Authority 2 | |
TAXAUTH3 | String*12 | Tax Authority 3 | |
TAXAUTH4 | String*12 | Tax Authority 4 | |
TAXAUTH5 | String*12 | Tax Authority 5 | |
TAXVCLASS1 | Integer | Vendor Tax Class 1 | |
TAXVCLASS2 | Integer | Vendor Tax Class 2 | |
TAXVCLASS3 | Integer | Vendor Tax Class 3 | |
TAXVCLASS4 | Integer | Vendor Tax Class 4 | |
TAXVCLASS5 | Integer | Vendor Tax Class 5 | |
TAXICLASS1 | Integer | Cost Tax Class 1 | |
TAXICLASS2 | Integer | Cost Tax Class 2 | |
TAXICLASS3 | Integer | Cost Tax Class 3 | |
TAXICLASS4 | Integer | Cost Tax Class 4 | |
TAXICLASS5 | Integer | Cost Tax Class 5 | |
CURRENCY | String*3 | Currency | |
EXRATE | BCD*8.7 | Exchange Rate | |
RATEDATE | Date | Rate Date | |
RATETYPE | String*2 | Rate Type | |
RATEOPER | Integer | Rate Operation | |
RATEOVER | Boolean | Rate Overridden | |
SCURNDECML | Integer | Decimal Places | |
GLEXPACCT | String*45 | Expense Account | |
GLRETACCT | String*45 | Return Account | |
TAXINCLUD1 | Boolean | Tax Includable 1 | |
TAXINCLUD2 | Boolean | Tax Includable 2 | |
TAXINCLUD3 | Boolean | Tax Includable 3 | |
TAXINCLUD4 | Boolean | Tax Includable 4 | |
TAXINCLUD5 | Boolean | Tax Includable 5 | |
INVSSEQG | BCD*10.0 | Invoice Cost Group Sequence | |
NOPRORTOGL | Boolean | Exp. Add'l Cost G/L data posted? | |
COMMENT | String*250 | Comment | |
CONTRACT | String*16 | Contract | |
PROJECT | String*16 | Project | |
CCATEGORY | String*16 | (Cost) Category | |
COSTCLASS | Integer | Cost Class | |
RESOURCE | String*24 | Resource | |
BILLTYPE | Integer | Billing Type | |
BILLCURR | String*3 | Billing Currency | |
BCRATEDATE | Date | Billing Currency Conv. Rate Date | |
ARITEMNO | String*16 | A/R Item Number | |
ARUNIT | String*10 | A/R Unit of Measure | |
CALCOVRHD | Boolean | Calculate Overhead | |
CALCLABOR | Boolean | Calculate Labor | |
HASRTG | Boolean | Has Retainage | |
RTGRATE | Integer | Retainage Exchange Rate | |
RTGPERCENT | BCD*5.5 | Retainage Percentage | |
RTGDAYS | Integer | Retention Period | |
PMTRANSNUM | Long | PJC Transaction Number | |
TRCURRENCY | String*3 | Tax Reporting Currency | |
EXRATERC | BCD*8.7 | Tax Reporting Exchange Rate | |
RATEDATERC | Date | Tax Reporting Rate Date | |
RATETYPERC | String*2 | Tax Reporting Rate Type | |
RATEOPERRC | Integer | Tax Reporting Rate Operation | |
RATERCOVER | Boolean | Tax Reporting Rate Overridden | |
RCURNDECML | Integer | Tax Reporting Decimal Places | |
This page was generated on 2008-Apr-11
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