Title | Flags | Fields |
Field | Type | Title | Presentation |
POSTSEQNO | Long | Posting Sequence | |
LINENO | Long | Line Number | |
AUDTDATE | Date | ||
AUDTTIME | Time | ||
AUDTUSER | String*8 | ||
AUDTORG | String*6 | ||
SEQ | Long | Sequence | |
DOCNUM | String*24 | Document Number | |
FMTCONTNO | String*16 | Contract | |
CONTRACT | String*16 | Contract | |
PROJECT | String*16 | Project | |
CATEGORY | String*16 | Category | |
RESOURCE | String*24 | Resource | |
LINETYPE | Integer | Line Type | |
TYPE | Integer | Cost Class | |
DESC | String*60 | Description | |
QUANTITY | BCD*10.5 | Quantity | |
ARITEM | String*16 | A/R Item No. | |
ARUOM | String*10 | A/R Unit of Measure | |
UNITCOST | BCD*10.6 | Unit Cost | |
COSTCCY | String*3 | Cost Currency | |
EXTCOSTSR | BCD*10.3 | Extended Cost | |
EXTCOSTHM | BCD*10.3 | Extended Cost (HM) | |
OVERHD | Integer | Overhead Type | |
OHEADRATE | BCD*10.6 | Overhead Rate | |
HEADPER | BCD*5.5 | Overhead Percentage | |
OHSR | BCD*10.3 | Overhead Amount | |
OHHM | BCD*10.3 | Overhead Amount (HM) | |
LABOR | Integer | Labor Type | |
LABORRATE | BCD*10.6 | Labor Rate | |
LABORPER | BCD*5.5 | Labor Percentage | |
LABORSR | BCD*10.3 | Transaction Labor Amount (Source | |
LABORHM | BCD*10.3 | Transaction Labor Amount (Functi | |
TOTCOSTSR | BCD*10.3 | Total Cost | |
TOTCOSTHM | BCD*10.3 | Total Cost (HM) | |
COMMENTS | String*250 | Comments | |
TRANACCT | String*45 | Cost Account | |
OHACCT | String*45 | Overhead Account | |
LABORACCT | String*45 | Labor Account | |
WIPACCT | String*45 | Work in Progress Account | |
BILLTYPE | Integer | Billing Type | |
BILLRATE | BCD*10.6 | Billing Rate | |
EXTBILLSR | BCD*10.3 | Billing Amount | |
EXTBILLHM | BCD*10.3 | Billing Amount (HM) | |
BILLCCY | String*3 | Billing Currency | |
DETAILNUM | Long | Detail Number | |
TAUTH1 | String*12 | Tax Authority 1 | |
TAUTH2 | String*12 | Tax Authority 2 | |
TAUTH3 | String*12 | Tax Authority 3 | |
TAUTH4 | String*12 | Tax Authority 4 | |
TAUTH5 | String*12 | Tax Authority 5 | |
TCLASS1 | Integer | Tax Class 1 | |
TCLASS2 | Integer | Tax Class 2 | |
TCLASS3 | Integer | Tax Class 3 | |
TCLASS4 | Integer | Tax Class 4 | |
TCLASS5 | Integer | Tax Class 5 | |
TINCLUDED1 | Boolean | Tax Included 1 | |
TINCLUDED2 | Boolean | Tax Included 2 | |
TINCLUDED3 | Boolean | Tax Included 3 | |
TINCLUDED4 | Boolean | Tax Included 4 | |
TINCLUDED5 | Boolean | Tax Included 5 | |
CONTSTYLE | Integer | Contract Style | |
PROJTYPE | Integer | Project Type | |
CUSTOMER | String*12 | Customer | |
REVREC | Integer | Revenue Rec. Type | |
INVTYPE | Integer | Inventory Type | |
VALUES | Long | Optional Fields | |
PAYTYPE | Integer | Pay Type | |
TRANSDATE | Date | Transaction Date | |
EXPENSE | String*16 | Expense | |
EXPTYPE | Integer | Expense Type | |
LOCATION | String*6 | Location | |
ICUOM | String*10 | I/C Unit of Measure | |
STOCKITEM | Boolean | Stock Item | |
COSTMETHOD | Integer | Cost Method | |
UNFMTITEM | String*24 | Unformatted Item No. | |
CHARGECODE | String*16 | Charge Code | |
GLDDESC | String*60 | G/L Detail Description | |
GLDREF | String*60 | G/L Detail Reference | |
GLCOMMENT | String*250 | G/L Detail Comment | |
This page was generated on 2008-Apr-11
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