Title | Flags | Fields |
Currency\Year\Period | YR, PERIOD, CURRENCY | |
Field | Type | Title | Presentation |
YR | String*4 | Year | Mask: %-4d |
PERIOD | Integer | Period | |
CURRENCY | String*3 | Currency | Mask: %-3N |
AUDTDATE | Date | ||
AUDTTIME | Time | ||
AUDTUSER | String*8 | ||
AUDTORG | String*6 | ||
NUMORD | Long | Number of Orders | |
QTYSOLD | BCD*10.4 | Net Quantity Sold | |
SALESAMTF | BCD*10.3 | Net Sales Amount (Func.) | |
SALESAMTS | BCD*10.3 | Net Sales Amount (Srce.) | |
INVAMTF | BCD*10.3 | Net Invoice Amount (Func.) | |
INVAMTS | BCD*10.3 | Net Invoice Amount (Srce.) | |
COGSF | BCD*10.3 | Cost of Sales (Func.) | |
COGSS | BCD*10.3 | Cost of Sales (Srce.) | |
INVCOUNT | Long | Number of Invoices | |
AVGINVF | BCD*10.3 | Average Invoice (Func.) | |
AVGINVS | BCD*10.3 | Average Invoice (Srce.) | |
LARGSTINF | BCD*10.3 | Largest Invoice (Func.) | |
LARGSTINS | BCD*10.3 | Largest Invoice (Srce.) | |
LINVCUST | String*12 | Customer (Largest Invoice) | Mask: %-12C |
SMALSTINF | BCD*10.3 | Smallest Invoice (Func.) | |
SMALSTINS | BCD*10.3 | Smallest Invoice (Srce.) | |
SINVCUST | String*12 | Customer (Smallest Invoice) | Mask: %-12C |
CNCOUNT | Long | Number of Credit Notes | |
AVGCNF | BCD*10.3 | Average Credit Note (Func.) | |
AVGCNS | BCD*10.3 | Average Credit Note (Srce.) | |
LARGSTCNF | BCD*10.3 | Largest Credit Note (Func.) | |
LARGSTCNS | BCD*10.3 | Largest Credit Note (Srce.) | |
LCNCUST | String*12 | Customer (Largest Credit Note) | Mask: %-12C |
SMALSTCNF | BCD*10.3 | Smallest Credit Note (Func.) | |
SMALSTCNS | BCD*10.3 | Smallest Credit Note (Srce.) | |
TSLELOSTF | BCD*10.3 | Total Sales Lost (Func.) | |
TSLELOSTS | BCD*10.3 | Total Sales Lost (Srce.) | |
SCNCUST | String*12 | Customer (Smallest Credit Note) | Mask: %-12C |
DNCOUNT | Long | Number of Debit Notes | |
AVGDNF | BCD*10.3 | Average Debit Note (Func.) | |
AVGDNS | BCD*10.3 | Average Debit Note (Srce.) | |
LARGSTDNF | BCD*10.3 | Largest Debit Note (Func.) | |
LARGSTDNS | BCD*10.3 | Largest Debit Note (Srce.) | |
LDNCUST | String*12 | Customer (Largest Debit Note) | Mask: %-12C |
SMALSTDNF | BCD*10.3 | Smallest Debit Note (Func.) | |
SMALSTDNS | BCD*10.3 | Smallest Debit Note (Srce.) | |
SDNCUST | String*12 | Customer (Smallest Debit Note) | Mask: %-12C |
This page was generated on 2006-Sep-07
Copyright © 2001–2005 Sage Accpac International, Inc.