RotoID | Table | Title | DLL |
AP0012 | APRTA | Terms | APRTA |
Title | Fields |
Terms Code / Payment Number | TERMSCODE, PAYMNBR |
Field | Index | Type | Title | Attributes | Presentation |
TERMSCODE | 1 | String*6 | Terms Code | E A K R | Mask: %-6N |
PAYMNBR | 2 | BCD*3.0 | Payment Number | E A K R | |
DATELASTMN | 3 | Date | Date Last Maintained | E A C | |
PCTPAYMDUE | 4 | BCD*5.5 | Percentage Due | E A | |
DISCTYPE | 5 | Integer | Reserved | E | |
PCTDISC | 6 | BCD*5.5 | Discount Percent | E A | |
DISNBRDAYS | 7 | BCD*2.0 | Discount Number of Days | E A | |
DISCDAY | 8 | BCD*2.0 | Discount Day of Month | E A | |
DUETYPE | 9 | Integer | Reserved | E | |
DUENBRDAYS | 10 | BCD*2.0 | Due Number of Days | E A | |
DUEDAY | 11 | BCD*2.0 | Due Day of Month | E A | |
This page was generated on 2006-Sep-07
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