View: Billing Worksheet

RotoID: PM0081
Table: PMBWH
Protocol: Header

Compositions: 3

RotoID Tables Title DLL

PM0083 PMBWC Billing Worksheet Customer PMBWC
PM0082 PMBWD Billing Worksheet Detail PMBWD
PM0542 PMBWHO Billing Optional Field PMBWHO

Keys: 2

Title Fields

Sequence SEQ
Worksheet Number WORKID

Fields: 34

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

SEQ 1 Long Sequence E A K R 
WORKID 2 String*30 Worksheet Number E A  Mask: %-16C
RUNDATE 3 Date Document Date E A X 
DESC 4 String*60 Description E A X 
INVTYPE 5 Integer Invoice Type A  List:3 entries
1 = Item
2 = Summary
3 = Both
EXRATE 6 Integer Exchange Rate E A 
NEXTCUST 7 Long Next Customer Line Number E A 
NEXTDTL 8 Long Next Detail Line Number E A 
POSTABLE 9 Boolean Ready To Post E A 
POSTINAR 10 Boolean Posted To A/R E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
RETRATE 11 Integer E A  List:2 entries
0 = Use Original Document Exchange Rate
1 = Use Current Exchange Rate
VALUES 12 Long Optional Fields E A C 
CREATEBY 13 String*8 Created By A C 
CREATEDT 14 Date Created On A C 
CREATETM 15 Time Created At A C 
APPROVEBY 16 String*8 Approved By A C 
APPROVEDT 17 Date Approved On A C 
APPROVETM 18 Time Approved At A C 
POSTEDBY 19 String*8 Posted By A C 
POSTEDDT 20 Date Posted On A C 
POSTEDTM 21 Time Posted At A C 
MANAGER 22 String*16 Manager E A 
NUMCUST 23 Long Number of Customer Lines E A C 
NUMDTL 24 Long Number of Detail Lines E A C 
INVYEAR 25 String*4 Invoice Fiscal Year A  Mask: %04D
INVPER 26 Integer Invoice Fiscal Period A  List:13 entries
1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4
5 = 5
6 = 6
7 = 7
8 = 8
9 = 9
10 = 10
11 = 11
12 = 12
13 = 13
DATEBUS 27 Date Posting Date E A X 
ENTEREDBY 28 String*8 Entered By E A C 
PRINTSTAT 29 Boolean Printed E A 
FUNCTION 1000 Integer Function E A C 
METER 1001 Long Meter E A C 
METERT 1002 Long Meter Total E A C 
METERC 1003 Long Meter Current E A C 
BMETER 1004 Integer Show progress bar during posting E A C  List:3 entries
0 = No meter
1 = Meter
2 = Meter but no cancel button