View: Adjustment Headers

RotoID: IC0120
Protocol: Header, Key auto generate

Compositions: 2

RotoID Tables Title DLL

IC0110 ICADED Adjustment Details ICADED
IC0125 ICADEHO Adjustment Header Opt. Fields ICADEHO

Keys: 6

Title Fields

Sequence Number ADJENSEQ
Transaction Number TRANSNUM
Document Number DOCNUM
IC-Unique Document Number DOCUNIQ
Status by Document Number STATUSDOCNUM

Fields: 22

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

ADJENSEQ 1 Long Sequence Number E A K R 
TRANSNUM 2 BCD*10.0 Transaction Number E A C 
DOCNUM 3 String*22 Adjustment Number E A  Mask: %-22C
HDRDESC 4 String*60 Description E A 
TRANSDATE 5 Date Adjustment Date E A 
FISCYEAR 6 String*4 Fiscal Year E A  Mask: %4D
FISCPERIOD 7 Integer Fiscal Period E A P  List:12 entries
1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4
5 = 5
6 = 6
7 = 7
8 = 8
9 = 9
10 = 10
11 = 11
12 = 12
REFERENCE 8 String*60 Reference E A 
DOCUNIQ 9 BCD*10.0 IC-Unique Document Number E A 
STATUS 10 Integer Record Status E A  List:4 entries
1 = Entered
2 = Posted
3 = Costed
20 = Day End Completed
DELETED 11 Boolean Record Deleted E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
NEXTDTLNUM 12 Integer Next Detail Line Number E A C 
PRINTED 13 Boolean Record Printed E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
VALUES 14 Long Optional Fields E A C 
JOBCOST 15 Boolean Job Related E A C  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
PMADJUSTNO 16 String*16 P/M Adjustment Number E A C 
ENTEREDBY 17 String*8 Entered By E A C  Mask: %-8N
DATEBUS 18 Date Posting Date E A 
POSTSEQNUM 41 Long Post Sequence Number A C 
OOVERLOC 42 String*6 Process Command Location E A C  Mask: %-6N
PROCESSCMD 43 Integer Process Command E A C  List:4 entries
0 = Nothing to Process
1 = Insert Optional Fields
2 = Default and Tranfer Optional Fields
3 = Default Opt. Fields During Record Generation
FROMPHYINV 44 Boolean From Physical Inventory E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes